Saturday, April 12, 2008

Shelly's Bracelet

This is a bracelet for Shelly Cross. The pink beads were made from roses that her husband had given her for Valentine's Day. A dear friend of hers got the flowers out of the trash and brought them to me to surprise her! I have never met Shelly, but I do know a bit about her. Currently, she is battling sarcoma, which is a type of cancer. She is having daily radiation treatments that will last for 7 weeks. Shelly also has 5 children ranging in ages 1-7. She is also a Christian and is very strong in her faith, because of this she is doing very well to be going through such a difficult time. Please pray for Shelly that her recovery will be quick. I hope you enjoy your bracelet Shelly!


Sheila said...

I love this piece Ashley and I am so loving your curtains. Love the fabric! Come by I have a surprise for you!